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How to Disable MAC Randomization

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Learn how to disable MAC randomization on your Windows, Android, macOS, and iOS based devices. MAC Address Randomization was introduced to increase user privacy on public networks, but at the cost of having to register each time you use a new public network. MAC Address Randomization is enabled by default on mobile devices running iOS 14, Android 10, and later.

To prevent the need to frequently re-register on the UVU network, turn off MAC Address Randomization for the UVU networks. By disabling MAC Address Randomization, you will remain logged on to the UVU network after registering your device.


Disable MAC Randomization

Instructions for Windows
  1. Select the Start button in the bottom left corner of the screen.

  2. Select the gear icon to go to Settings.

  3. Select Network and Internet.

  4. Select the Wifi tab.

  5. Under Random hardware addresses, set the Use random hardware addresses to Off.

Instructions for macOS

⚠ macOS does not support a built-in option to disable MAC address randomization at this time. Currently, iOS 14, iPad OS 14, and WatchOS 7 are the only Apple platforms that support built-in user tools for randomized MAC addresses; this includes the newer OS versions for each platform.

Instructions for Android
  1. Connect to Wolverine-WiFi.

  2. Open the Settings app.

  3. Tap Network and Internet.

  4. Tap Wi-Fi.

  5. Locate the Wolverine-WiFi network and tap the gear icon.

  6. Tap Advanced.

  7. Tap Privacy.

  8. Tap Use device MAC.

To disable MAC Address Randomization for all UVU networks, repeat steps 4-8. In step 5 be sure to select the desired network such as Wolverine-WiFi or Eduroam.

Instructions for iOS
  1. Connect to Wolverine-WiFi.

  2. Open the Settings app.

  3. Tap Wi-Fi.

  4. Locate the Wolverine-WiFi network and tap the i icon.

  5. Turn the Private Address button to off mode.

  6. When prompted, tap Rejoin to rejoin the network.

To disable MAC Address Randomization for all UVU networks, repeat steps 2-6. In step 4 be sure to select the desired network such as Wolverine-WiFi or Eduroam.

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