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SRI Report Access

Published Date:


This article explains how to access instructor and summary-level SRI reports on the Tableau server.

⚠ You must be logged into the UVU internal network or VPN. External network access is restricted.

The SRI report set is accessible only to current faculty, department chairs, and college deans. Each individual will only be able to view SRI score results relating to his or her own courses or direct reports.


Log in to the UVU Tableau Server and Access SRI Reports

  1. Connect to the UVU Tableau Server

  2. In the search box, search “SRI.”

  3. Select “Workbooks” in the search results menu bar to limit the results to entire report sets.

  4. Select the appropriate report.

    1. The individual instructor report is called “SRI Reports - Instructor.

    2. The leadership summary report is called “SRI Reports - Summary.

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