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How to Delete a Saved Tuition Payment Method

Published Date:


This articles covers the process to delete a saved tuition payment method from the system.

⚠ When banking information changes, any saved payment method associated with old bank accounts should be deleted to prevent processing errors when making payment to UVU. Additionally, prior to deleting a saved payment method, all automatic scheduled payments associated with that saved payment method should be deleted.


Delete Saved Payment Method from Your Account

  1. Navigate to myUVU for Students and log in to your account.

  2. Click on the Students tab and from the drop-down menu, select Paying for my Education.

  3. Click on the Make a Payment tab located under My Student Account. A new webpage will open. Click on the Home icon in the top-left corner.

  4. Click on Payment Profile located under My Profile Setup.

  5. Locate the Saved Payment Method you wish to delete. Click on the Gear icon and select Delete, then OK.

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