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How to Create an International Admissions Application Account

Published Date:


This article will assist International students in creating an International Admissions application account. This application is for students who are outside of the U.S. who require an F-1 visa or for current, in status F-1 visa students who wish to transfer to UVU.


Create an International Admissions Application Account

 You will need to create a new account and complete an application for  the semester you wish to attend.    

  1. Browse to  

2. Click on the APPLICANTS link.

Select applicants login link from the applicant type list.


3. In the New Students/Applicants box, click on the Applications/Forms link.

In the New Students and Applicants box, select the Applications and Forms link

4. Click the International Application link.

On the applications and forms page select the International applicants link.

5. Select your application type:

a. Outside the US: Click on Option 1- International Admission Application (Undergraduate & ESL only). This option is for individuals currently outside the U.S. without a valid F-1 visa.  

b. Inside the US: Option 2 - International Transfer Admission Application (Undergraduate & ESL only). This option is for students who are currently studying at an institution inside the U.S., are currently in status with their I-20, and are seeking to transfer to UVU.

Select the type of applicant you are from the list.

6. Click the Apply Now link.

Click the apply now link to begin the application process.

7. In the Security: Login box, click on the New Applicants radio button. Click Submit.

As a new applicant, select the New Applicants radio button, then press the submit button.

8. Enter your information into the required fields to create your account.

*Please include your first or given name, middle name(s), if any, and last or family name, email address, date of birth in MM/DD/YYYY format and select your gender from the radio button list. The email address provided is specific to this application. A link will be sent to this email to complete this process. Be sure to check this email address regularly. 

In the text boxes enter your first or given name, middle name if you have one or more, last or family name, your email address, your date of birth in two digit month, then slash, two digit day, then slash, then four digit year format, and select your gender from the radio buttons.

Completing the Account Creation Process

  1. You will receive an email containing a temporary login password. Click the link to Finish your application (International Applicants. OPT Students and J-1 Scholars) UV ID login.

    Click on the Finish your application link in the email.

2. Follow the prompts to Select Password Reset Security Questions.

You must select three security questions. Each security question is a drop down menu. Type your answer into the correct response text field directly below each question and click the update button when done.

*Please note, the UVU Office of Admissions is unable to retrieve password security questions/answers for a student. This information is vital for password resets. We encourage you to record your security questions and answers for future use.

3. Follow the prompts to Change Temporary Password to a permanent password of your choosing.

You must change you temporary password, which must contain at least 8 characters, both upper and lower case letters and at least one number. Press the change button when done.

4. Continue with your International Admissions application.

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