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How to View/Print 1098-T Tax Form

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Learn how to view/print your 1098-T tax form which the University issues to report education-related expenses that could be claimed as part of the Hope Scholarship or Lifetime learning Tax Credit.

As part of our ongoing sustainability and cost reduction measures, Utah Valley University provides IRS Form 1098-T electronically to eligible students. The option to grant or deny consent for electronic delivery is included in the Student Financial Responsibility Agreement (SFRA) that students must complete prior to registration each semester.


How to View/Print Electronic 1098-T

  1. Navigate to myUVU for Students and log in to your account.

  2. Click on the Students tab and from the drop-down menu, select Paying for my Education.

  3. Locate and click on 1098-T Tax Form in the list under My Student Account.

  4. On the new webpage, click on 1098-T Tax Statements. Locate the Tax Year needed and click View. The associated 1098-T will automatically download to your computer.

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