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How to Cancel or Reschedule Outlook Meetings Organized by Someone Else

Published Date:


This article covers options to modify, cancel, or reschedule Outlook meetings organized/created by someone other than the original owner.


Inform Attendees, Delete the Original Meeting, and Create a New Meeting

Meetings can ONLY be modified or updated by the original owner.

If that person cannot update a meeting, then everyone invited to the meeting MUST delete their invitation. Doing this will cancel the meeting. Someone from the group must create a new meeting invitation and send it to the group to reschedule the meeting.

There is NOT a process to change the owner of meetings. The only option is to delete and create a new meeting manually.

  1. Inform everyone on the list of attendees to delete the meeting that needs to be updated.

  2. Once all attendees have deleted the meeting, the meeting will be cancelled and removed from the calendar.

  3. The new meeting owner can create a new meeting with the correct settings.

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