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How to Send an Outgoing (Internet) Message with Encryption

Published Date:


This article explains the process to send encrypted messages outside of UVU. Messages with Social Security Numbers (SSN) or credit card numbers will be automatically encrypted.

This method only works for employees with an mailbox.


Sending an Encrypted Email

In your email client (for example, Outlook):

  1. Create an email to an external ( address(es) by setting the subject, body, recipients, and adding any attachments to the message.

  2. Add the text uvuencrypt anywhere in the subject or body of the message (do NOT include any spaces).

  3. When you click the Send button, a transport rule recognizes this as a message to encrypt; This is all that is necessary to send an encrypted message.

Opening an Encrypted Email

  1. Anyone on Microsoft-hosted services (,, etc.) can read and reply to encrypted messages the same way you do with unencrypted messages. The received message will have an indication that the message is encrypted.

  2. External recipients on non-Microsoft-hosted services will receive a message from the sender that requires them to log in before they can read the entire message. The recipient must click on the Read the message button to read the message. This will open a web page with options to authenticate before viewing the encrypted message. The options vary depending on the external recipient’s email system.

    To read a protected message click the Read the message button.
    1. Google or Yahoo Mail account users may sign in with their accounts to open the encrypted message.

      Sign in with Google to read the message.
      1. If the recipient is logged into their Google or Yahoo account, clicking the Sign in with Google or Sign in with Yahoo ID button will authenticate them so they can view the message.

      2. If the recipient is not logged into their Google or Yahoo account, clicking the Sign in with Google or Sign in with Yahoo ID button will prompt them to sign in before viewing the message.

    2. For other email systems, you must sign in with a one-time passcode to open the encrypted message.

      Sign in with a one-time passcode to read the message.
      1. Clicking on the Sign in with a One-time passcode button opens a new window and emails a code to the same mailbox that received the encrypted message. The code expires in 15 minutes. The recipient must find the new message in their mailbox, enter the one-time passcode, and click on Continue to open the encrypted message.

        enter the one-time passcode sent to your email into the passcode box and click continue to view the encrypted email

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